Everyone desires beautiful, smooth, healthy skin. The good news is that you don’t always have to undergo a medical procedure or chemical treatment to achieve it. In fact, many of the nutrients you need for glowing, healthy skin can be …
Many people enjoy basking in the sun and spending extra hours outside, especially in the summertime. Unfortunately, too much time spent soaking up the sun’s rays can be damaging to our skin, as evidenced by a dull, wrinkled complexion that …
Brown spots and skin discoloration are frequent complaints for many people. The most common form of irregular pigmentation is hyperpigmentation, a condition in which patches of skin become darker in color than the normal surrounding skin. Some people have abnormal …
Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers. More that two million people in the U.S. are afflicted by skin cancer each year, and that number is only rising. Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer, accounting …
Don’t over-complicate your skin care routine with a multitude of products. Taking care of your skin should be simple. In most cases, all it takes is daily cleansing, proper nourishment and protection from the sun and other harmful toxins.
…While most people are aware of the potentially life-threatening health consequences of cigarette smoking, including lung cancer and emphysema, many people do not recognize the negative impact that smoking can have on the health and appearance of their skin.
Smoking …
The sun emits harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which can result in skin damage from freckles and cosmetic blemishes to more serious conditions like cancer. Sun damage doesn’t happen overnight, and the long-term effects of repeated sun exposure may not appear …
Human skin is a remarkable organ, but one we often take for granted. It does more than hold us together and look presentable. It’s a complex system that protects our internal structures from outside damage. The skin is made up …
Although it may only seem like a temporary irritation, a sunburn can cause long-lasting damage to the skin. Skin that is sunburned is red, tender and warm to the touch. Severely sunburned skin may even result in the formation of …
When school is in session, it’s easy for students to pick up a number of bad habits between late nights of studying and long sports practices. From poor eating habits to a lack of sleep and increased stress, unhealthy lifestyles …